Simsbury Culture, Parks and Recreation Department
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Simsbury Celebrates 2024 Donations

Simsbury Celebrates

Please support Simsbury Celebrates! This year, you can donate via PayPal by using the link below, you can donate through Simsbury Rec on this page, or by check.

Click here to donate via PayPal to Simsbury Celebrates!

If you would prefer to mail in a check, you can send it to the information below:
Simsbury Celebrates
933 Hopmeadow St
Simsbury, CT 06070

Sponsorship Levels:
Presenting - $5,000 +
Platinum - $3,000
Gold - $1,000
Silver - $500
Bronze - $250
Snowman Club - $150
Holiday Spirit - $50

Please visit for the most up-to-date event information! 
Interested in buying a Simsbury Celebrates Pin? Purchase one here!

Firetruck with holiday lights on itFiretruck with holiday lights on itFiretruck with holiday lights on it

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